Affiliate faculty (not accepting students)
Research Topics:
Juvenile legal system, racial equity in juvenile and criminal justice, and developmentally informed policy reform, with a focus on interrogations and plea bargaining.
Emily Haney-Caron is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Dr. Haney-Caron’s research, scholarship, policy work, and teaching are all focused on the juvenile legal system, with a primary goal of contributing to system reform to increase racial justice and improve the system’s developmental appropriateness. She has published research or scholarship on racism and colorism in the juvenile legal system, youth Miranda comprehension, false confession, fines and fees in the juvenile legal system, the school-to-prison pipeline, developmental immaturity, psychopathology among legally involved youth, and applications of the Risk-Needs-Responsivity model to juvenile justice. Dr. Haney-Caron’s scholarship has been profiled by the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Guardian, and MSNBC, and has been cited in U.S. Supreme Court amicus briefs and a U.S. Department of Justice Advisory.
Dr. Haney-Caron teaches doctoral courses on forensic assessment, the law of forensic psychology, juvenile justice, and psychopathology, as well as Master’s and undergraduate classes at the intersection of psychology and law. Before joining the faculty at John Jay she completed a pre-doctoral clinical internship at Brown University Warren Alpert Medical School. She currently serves on the New York City Bar Association’s Juvenile Justice Committee.
Dr. Haney-Caron is a licensed psychologist in New York and a licensed attorney in Pennsylvania. She has worked with Juvenile Law Center, Southern Poverty Law Center, and the Federal Community Defender Office for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania Capital Habeas Unit. Additionally, she has done clinical work within a secure residential juvenile justice facility and in a family court clinic as well as a variety of inpatient and outpatient settings.